Chinese new year holiday has begun ~!
This year I didn't balik I can't get many angpaus ! T.T
Nothing to do so went to shopping again.
Pavillion was decorated with a gold and BIG but fake bull in front of the entrance.
Once you touched the "bull" will give you good luck ~!?
It's real..? I don't know but I touched it.(Although I am not a superstition person)
back to Pavillion ~~~~

This is what we have for our lunch.....We opt for a japanese style restaurant
First come appetizer.~!

Next Erm a glass of sweet drink

Okay..cheese on delicious chicken
No personal photos posted. ```I hate myself in front of the camera.
At last but not least Happy Lunar Year Birthday to my father ~!
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I don't want such disease occurs on myself...
Okay relax. Just kidding...But if I continue feelings bad
I am sure I will get the "A" disease soon... choi...
There were many things happened in school. It can be said so stressful.
Not only about the studies stuff..about my prefect's problem too.
What can you DO if your friend betray you?
It's different now ALL different.
Your friend will betray you because you are not useful to them already
They won't use the true heart to treat you..
Don't THINK they will use that kind of heart to treat you...NOT EVER
If you really met a true-hearted friend. Cherish him/her.
Don't cheat him/her. They are your best listeners when you have bad feelings.
But I can't find them. REALLY.
(What's the reason?)(Because of your fault or other ppl's fault?)
I asked myself.'s my fault too.
But I am thinking and thinking...and still thinking.
I don't know how to say my feelings out....
When you became a leader. You will get to know that someone dislikes you.
No offense. Some of them will talk something bad at the back of you.
So tired now Want to describe my feelings but can't..........................
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Maybe a different here?
But I continue use "cute" templates here....
I won't often change it because it took many times to edits the codes~
Hyuu...- -'
Sweating now...But I'm satisfy with my hands creating such beautiful skins (I think so?)
But anyway...I just can online every Saturday and Sunday...~
Poor blog, say goodbye to you again. Will see ya soon next week again.
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After our meeting with our new juniors, many prefects included me went to FUN OK to fun~!
We played and ate there. It was my first time to go to FUN OK.
When we arrived there,
we ordered what we want to eat first, then we took some board games to play.
Erm..actually it's nothing to write about..cuz if u go in to a restaurant, what will you do?
The restaurant's design is quite interesting~
The place that I can't forget is the WASHROOM.
The decorations and design of the washroom is very scary..
There are many fake hands model hanging around, same like someone is going to catch you.
We went there until 3.30 p.m. BUT we paid to the cashier first.
We grabbed our money from our pockets, then gave it to the cashier.
BUT WAIT..We didn't have enough money~! The total we ate is RM99...
But we just have RM70 something..that time, we already went down, then Zhi Yong called us
to go up again.
We are so shocked about this...
FINALLY the results came out,
Xiao Wen and May Suet realised they haven't pay the money to the cashier yet,
then we dashed home fastly but happily.......
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Are we still good friends? or best friends? whatever...
I just feel liked we are totally like strangers now....
Ya, you were my good friend..but now?
I did not understand...your attitude had changed. changed. Am I not important or not useful in front of you?
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09.01.04 日记
今天一早依然8.00就醒来了 今天可是最兴奋的一天
我匆匆吃了早餐后, 就跟家人一起到金河广场.
skip skip skip skip
4.30p.m 就有位粉丝团的团员CALL我了, 问我在哪里.
那时我也还没向负责人拿到票. 心情进入非常紧张的状态.
我怕我没有票交给粉丝团的团员, 他们一定不会放过我的.
5.00了, 负责人还是没有CALL来.
粉丝团的团员陆陆续续地来了, 我的电话也不停地在响.
"爱来过, 来得那么美那么凶...." 这是我的RINGTONE.
一直在播着, 我也一直在接电话.
后来我就CALL那负责人, 幸好他说他正在找我.
在此要谢谢华研公司提供票给我们粉丝团!!! 不好意思, 当天一直催你们了!
我就开始派票给团员了, 当时的时间好像是5.30p.m.左右.
S.H.E 8.00才出场. 有些团员已经排队, 而我却没有.
因为太早了, 怕排队排到晕倒. 接着接着, 我还看到无可取代后援会有FORM3的朋友.
我便上前跟她们打招呼. 原来她们早就来排队了.
哎, 小姐们,你们不辛苦啊~!
直到7.50p.m. , 我就站在S.H.E走出来的出口.
8.00p.m., 她们准时地出来了!
我一直狂叫, HEBE HEBE HEBE!!!
天吖...我终于可以那么近距离看到她们...( 其实不是很近...因为有保安人员挡着)
首先SELINA先出来, 她有着高贵的发型, 露出了很甜美的微笑走出来.
接着是我们最爱的HEBE出场, 她也是带着一丝的微笑, 出来了.
小碧啊..怎么不跟我们SAY "HI"? 呵呵..
然后就是ELLA, 她也是缓慢地走出来, 然后跟另一边的粉丝说"HI".
主持人便请她们上台, 她们紧接地唱了两首歌, 分别是"宇宙小姐"和"沿海公路的出口"
很赞很赞. 唱功一流呀.
虽然我站在普通区..不过幸好有大荧幕, 让我这个矮冬瓜可以看到她们.
由于我有些急事, 没办法上台向她们拿签名!!!!!!!!
哎 谁会料到我有这种ENDING~~
不过, 要感谢的人很多:
希望下次三只来, 我们已经有了自己的会服.
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