愛 菿 瘋 癲!
Hebe, 想给你最好的祝福!
祝你26岁, 生日快乐!
To my dearest Hebe,
Happy 26th birthday to you.
Have a happy, sweet day !
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刚追完了Astro On Demand 的戏剧:《学警出撃》
戏剧里面的 “小公主”, 最后还是跟啊文分手了。
经历过了那么多的风风雨雨, 徘徊在其中的回忆,
所以说, 世界上真的有永远吗?
"I love you forever" 这句话都是正在热恋的情侣们说的。
简简单单, 随随便便地说出了着一句话,
如果真的有这样的爱情的话, 世界上也没有人会为情自杀了。
“永远”这两个字,表面上,很简单。 就是FOREVER啊。~
它真正的意义? 你又了解得多少?
说出了这两个字, 请对你说的这两个字, 跟对方勾勾手。
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Woke up at 9.30a.m today, quite late.
The sun already shone towards my eyes.
After had my breakfast, I flew up to my dear computer.~~
Searched for new blogskin, the last one.~~dumped to my recycle bin.!
I chose a simply, white+grey blogskin.
My life aren't simply but I hoped to simplify it.
Still have History project to do , the title is "My school"..
Actually, it's a quite simple title to do with~
It does not comprised about the British came to our Tanah Melayu...
not this~~And I hate those titles.. Quite boring.
Projects are enough boring, plus, I need to do the houseworks.
Because of my mother was not in the house
I had to turn myself into a housemaid.
So sad for this , got to go.
{ Jess ]
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Within this week, my school teachers already distribute out the exam papers.
Really, I don't satisfy with my results.
I felt regretted that I did not study hard for this time exam.
All subjects I took A's but Art and B.M can't reach A's!!
My results were horrible.~~ Bad~~
I won't be able to online for a few days...
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第一 :被点者请在自己的BLOG里写下答案
第二 : 请传另外十位的人.
第三 : 传阅人‘请在于这十位当中斗留言版’ 告知他(她) 被点名了..
第四 : 这当中的十位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五 : 被点者‘请注明被谁点了’ 在哪接到‘在传给下十位’
第六: 这些被点名者’ 你们被点会得到祝福‘并且愿望会实现’也会得到幸福.^^‘幸福套餐’开始咯!!^^
01 你的绰号 : Jessica
02 年龄 : 14
03 生日 : 7/8
04 星座 : 狮子座
05 兴趣 : 听HEBE&JAY 的歌~~!
06 专长 : 嘘~不用说出自己的专长的~ 做人要谦虚点~~ :P
幸福套餐 NO 2♥
01你有没有喜欢的人? : 有~~
02 是否在交往? : 不是~~
03 现在幸福吗? : 知足了.
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事? : 太多事想做了~
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话? : 看他有没有诚意先~~
幸福套餐NO 3♥
01 点你的人是 : Zhiyong & Megan
02 他是你的 : 两位都是朋友
03 他的个性? : zhiyong=爱吃鬼~~!! XD Megan=不了解
04 认识他多久? : zhiyong=1年多 Megan=3个月
05 你觉得他怎样? : 我不是跟她很熟的
06 你想对他讲什么 : no idea~really =,=
幸福套餐NO 4♥
01 最爱的节目 : 没有.
02 最爱的歌 : 安静, 安静了, 说好的幸福呢...
03 最爱的季节 : 马来西亚的天气
04 最爱的卡通 : 少幼稚了.
05 最爱的人 : 周杰伦!
06 最爱的颜色 : Purple ~
07 最爱的国家 : 纽约 NEW YORK !!
08 最爱的天气 : 凉快的天气~
幸福套餐 NO 5♥
01 如果上天给你三个愿望 :1.让我变成亿万富翁~ 2. 让地球人全部都学会道德3. 要我的爱人说我
02 你是很专一的人吗 : 算吧`
03 最深刻的回忆? : 亲眼见到Hebe的那一目!
04 你是个很有信心的人吗? : 我相信自己~
05 你很爱微笑吗 : 不是很爱~
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗 : 谁会愿意?
07 妄想什么样的生活 : 快乐、富有的生活。
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱 : 否。
调卷到此结束‘点人者请至于被点者的留言版’ 告知被点名了你们被点名了
[ 这个待会儿再填]
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Holiday Holiday Holiday~!
Everyone was very happy because of holidays.
But, in my opinion, holidays are very boring.
I also did not go shopping with my gangs..
No special activities are going on. ! So boring....
I can't sit in front of my dear computer too long,
my mother will open her big mouth and scold me.
Damn damn boring.
Don't know what to write now...............................
Boring till death>~<
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这时的我, 独自,悄悄,安静地 走进了这片已失落的沙洲。
沙洲四周 布满了白色的沙子。
整个世界 已经荒芜。
你想看到的叶子, 小河流, 全部都不在了。
上面写着 “ 欢迎光临 灰色沙洲”。
我很好奇:“ 灰色沙洲?这里没有灰色吧。嗯。确定没有。”
这里的日子 过得很单纯,像没有剧本的电影。
最珍贵的那一句:“ 假如在失去前,可以学会珍惜”
我想很勇敢地对你说 “我爱你。”
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Tag by Miss Keikei.
10 people tagged by Jess
-Bi Lian
-Jay Chaw
-Ken YSL
-Zhi Yong
-Chin Hong
-Chin Yuen
-Heng Ye
1.Why you tagged him/her as the 1st person
I miss her. She is my primary school friend.
2.Did you met number 2 before ?
Nonsence...of course
3.What will you talk when you meet number 3 ?
I will call him "idiot"
4.What is the relationship between 4 & 5
Haha..they seldom talk to each other
5.What is number 6's favourite singer ?
Lee Hom gua. I don't know.
6.What is number 7's favourite TV show ?
No idea, sorry
7.Do you talk with number 8 ?
8.How does number 9 look like ?
Look like a new pop-star singer.
9.Who is number 10's lover
Haha. Secret ~ xD
10.Which numbers are couples
Unfortunately nope.
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Tagged by Natalie.
♥100 truths.
001. Real Name: Chaw Yong Xin
002. Nickname(s): Jessica
003. Age: 14 years old.
004. Horoscope : Leo
005. Male or Female: Female.
006. Elementary: SJKC Taman Connaught
007. Middle School: SMK Taman Connaught
008. High School: No idea
009. College School: Maybe Harvard school? Haha...xD
010. Hair colour: Black+a little brown
011. Long or Short: Long
012. Loud or Quiet: Quiet, quite opposite!
013. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans babe~~!!
014. Phone or Camera: Phone.
015. Health Freak: Sure.
016. Drink or Smoke: Smoke---HATE 100% !!!!!!
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Yea...
018. Eat or Drink: Eat~~especially delicious food
019. Piercings: Ears.
020. Tattoos: Don't like tattooss...
021. Social or Anti-Social: Sometimes social..sometimes take anti----
022. First piercing: 5 Years old
023. First relationship: Standard 6.
024. First Best Friend: Maybe Sing Yeang? Standard 1 best friend..
025. First Award: Kindergarden award. But forgot what award...
026. First Kiss: Haha~~my parents gave me .
027. First Pet: Fish
028. First Big Vacation: China, since I was 2 years old.
029. First Love at first sight: Hebe !!
030. First Big Birthday: My 10 year-old birthday? Cuz got birthday party
049. Eating: no. it's typing..
050. Drinking: no.~
051. Excitement level: What for I have it now..
052. I'm about to: thinking what to write..
053. Listening to: my grandmother's advice..
054. Plan for today: Go to take a nap after typing this..
055. Waiting for: Get well soon from my stupid sick..
056. Energy Level: -50. My stomach pains now...
057. Thinking of someone: Thinking of myself.~
058. Want kids?: No idea
059. Want to get married?: No. If get married will become old. Haha
060. Careers in mind?: Erm. No idea. But I opt for a good one.
Th perfect guy.
068. Lips or Eyes: both
069. Romantic or Funny?: both
070. Shorter or Taller?: taller of course..
071. Protective or Caring?: both.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Both. xD
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Hate sensitive guy...
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship.
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: both also cannot accept
Have you ever.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: no.
081. Ran away from home: I won't do that~~ so stupid
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: haha...hope to have a gun
083. Killed somebody: Nooope..
084. Broken someone's heart: Maybe..
085. Been arrested: I arrested people..
087. Cried when someone died: Did that before.
Do you belive in.
089. Yourself: 100%
090. Miracles: Yes
091. Love at first sight: Yes.
092. Heaven: like it.
094. Tooth Fairy: Haha..what's this?
095. Kiss in the first date: Wow.~ So romantic
Answer honestly.
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Ya~~my boyfriend ( imagination one )
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: of course
099. Do you believe in God?: Ya.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.
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Since last Friday, I had a bad bad sick..
Stomach pain+cough.
I know my weight will turn from 33 kg to 31kg something...
I am very thin now...just like a small twig !! ( CRY!!!)
I think the reason I had such disease is
I did not have sufficient exercises.......
By the way, I hate to work out...Erm, lazy to work out too..
This which cause me sick. Haiz...
The most damn thing is
I had sick on exam days in school ~!!
I scared my exam will very bad.
I can't concentrate on my exams when my stupid stomach got pain~~
And I started to hate myself then...
Okay. I better go to take a rest. Very tired....
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Exam is coming sooooooooooon !!So nervous, nervous until I sicked for 1 day.Scared get B's Scared cannot reach my goal my own mission.By the way, Congratz to the trial prefects!!Because they already passed their FIRST mission ~~There will be a lot of hardships to encounter. Especially, beware of MEI will be very strict to them....haha, they may be will begged for mercy. ~~Don't need and don't want to write so many stuffs. Not in that type of mood now.Again..Haiz..nervous for exam. ! But, can't wait for the school holidays !!Photoshop again : My lovely Hebe ~~
She has a lovely smile ^.^ [ Click the picture to turn the picture big ]
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They are not siblings
They are not relavtives
Through a singing competition,
They met together and formed a group--S.H.E
They dont know each other yet
Just keep smiling with each other.
Slowly, they talked together, lived together, sang together, walked together.
Their relationship from beginning until now, are just like they are siblings.
I ♥ them. I admired them.
I wished I could get these relationships with my best friend.
Promise me forever.
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"这一扇门后 真的有天国 "
听着神木与瞳 ( MY NEW IDOL ) 的 "为你而活"
如果人离开了这个世界 走到了天国去
那会看到什么东西? 会跟地球不同的东西吗?
人, 如果真正不在了, 我很好奇. 他们真的会去了哪里
到如今 也没有人可以证明的问题
如果我最心爱的人 突然离开了 原他到天国去
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a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d. Put your comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?"
Ride with me--Jay Chou (Secret)
[ Maybe I should ride with my BF ]
2. How would you describe yourself?
[ 哎~~` So cham...cannot love ppl, ppl also won't love me ]
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Because you love me --Celine Dion
[Perhaps he would say "I love you" to me...~! ]
4. How do you feel today?
[ Haiz..if like that I feel very berry good~! ]
5. What is your life's purpose?
[ I live for you two only...( Jay & Hebe)]
6. What is your motto?
You are the music in me ---High School Musical
[Dunno nia...]
7. What do your friends think of you?
[ I am in silence mode always ~~ Haha]
8. What do you think of your parents?
[ Yarr..They are always my special person in my world]
9. What do you think about very often?
[ Really....time don't fly so fast !! I need you!! ]
10. What is 2+2?
[Haha...Slow a bit..let me think about 2+2]
11. What do you think of your best friends?
[ Yeah !! Almost correct! ]
12. What do you think of the person you like?
[Haiz...don't be like that~~ We are always okay ]
13. What is your life?
Forever Love---LeeHom
[ Wish could be like that]
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
斗牛要不要 --斗牛要不要
[ 斗牛? OKay~! ]
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
[Maybe will .....- - ]
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
[what's this.]
17. What will they play at your funeral?
[ If just see 背影...then the funeral will be damn stupid...]
18. What is your hobby/interest?
[OMG~~I don't like telling lies ~~!! ]
19. What is your biggest fear?
[Haha...quite funny]
20. What is your biggest secret?
Secret ---不能说的秘密
[Ha~! So yeng leh...secret ! ]
21. What do you think of your friends?
The Swan---不能说的秘密
[Friends are like the swans?? Quite gentle ya..]
22. What will you post this as:
Ring Ring Ring---S.H.E
[Ring my BLOG ~! COOL~~]
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很想跟你说 我现在的心情
很想跟你讨论 我该怎么做
最近在学校, 发生了很多事. 很多不应该发生的事.
我很辛苦. 觉得自己很没用.
帮不了什么 很后悔 很伤心令我们的"长辈"失望了...
很想找人来畅谈. 却找不到谈心事的朋友
如果有人在我旁边 聆听我所说的东西
我看我现在就不用那么辛苦了~~ ( 哎, 现在骨头很痛....老了OMG!)
即将要考试了, 希望不要那么多烦恼压在我头上. ~~
讨厌一个人, 要先查清楚人家的错误!
才把错误写出来...拜托, 都还没了解情况, 就在那边说别人的坏话..
----听不见你的声音 我怎么睡不着
不要丢下我自己走掉 -----
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A - Attached or single ? : Attached to my piano ^^
B - Best friend? : Yea ~~ hard to say here
C - Cake or pie?: cake
D - Day of choice?: School days
E - Essential item?: My mobile phone
F - Favourite colour?: Erm ~~ Pink+Blue
G - Gummy bears or worms?: Bear bear la
H - Hometown? : Perak, Malaysia
I - Favourite indulgence: Playing da piano
J - January or July?: What..August la
K - Kids?: Not kid~~Teenager
L - Life isn't complete without ?: HIM
M - Marriage date : Who knows ? ..
N - Number of magazine subscriptions? : Did not subscribe
O - Oranges or apples? : Apples yeah !
P - Phobias : Worms n disgusting creatures
Q - Quotes? : Can't figure out
R - Reasons to smile? : To make myself happy
S - Season of choice : Malaysia's season
T - Tag 10 people : ..dunno
U - Unknown fact about you? : I am also a courage tiny little girl..XD
V - Vegetable? : yaya. !
W - Worst habit? : Always jealous about ppl..
X - X-men? X-women?: Don't like to be a hero..
Y - Your favorite food?: Delicious stuffs...
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo !! ~
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